In the aftermath of a colossal battle, Daenerys Targaryen rules with her three dragons as queen of a city built on dust and death. But Daenerys has thousands of enemies, and many have set out to find her. Fleeing from Westeros with a price on his head, Tyrion Lannister, too, is making his way east—with new allies who may not be the ragtag band they seem. And in the frozen north, Jon Snow confronts creatures from beyond the Wall of ice and stone, and powerful foes from within the Night’s Watch. In a time of rising restlessness, the tides of destiny and politics lead a grand cast of outlaws and priests, soldiers and skinchangers, nobles and slaves, to the greatest dance of all.
Formato Paperback | 1136 páginas
Dimensiones 105 x 173 x 43mm | 442g
Fecha de publicación 01 Aug 2012
Editorial Random House Inc.
Sello editorial Bantam Dell Publishing Group, Div of Random House, Inc
Ciudad/País de publicación New York, United States
Idioma English
Nota de la edición International edition
Nota de ilustración 3 MAPS IN TEXT MAPS